Talofa! Welcome to the islands of Samoa! We are known as the “happy people of the South Pacific”. Before you is a typical Samoan village or Nu’u. Our culture is rich in tradition and love, and sharing of Fa’a Samoa’ which translates to “the Samoan Way.” Extended families or aiga, fill our villages, and each family is associated with land and a chiefly title.
Our young children are taught to obey and respect their elders. Older children are expected to care for younger siblings. Sisters within a family are especially cherished and protected, and will be chaperoned until the day they are married. The family structure is built on responsibility and honor, but we also know how to have fun! If you’re going to see Ha: Breath of Life during your visit, notice how these traditions are reflected in Samoan section of the program.
We invite you to learn more of our culture by talking to our Samoan Villagers. Feel free to ask questions, take pictures or just sit and have a nice chat.